Avoid wrong purchases with the 3-7-14 STYLEBOOK shopping rule

People & Style

Almost every woman knows about bad buys! Often these are even brand new pieces with the tag still dangling. That’s enough! Thanks to the mathematical rule of 3-7-14, wrong purchases will be a thing of the past.

The piece looked great in the store and you already had a number of combination options in mind, but when you got home, there’s nothing quite right with it and it doesn’t actually fit properly. The newly purchased part ends up in the closet along with the tag and is now considered a bad buy. To prevent this from happening again in the future, there is the 3-7-14 rule.

What is the 3-7-14 rule?

No more bad expensive purchases! The American costume designer Jenn Rogien, who has already worked for cult series such as “Girls” and “Orange Is the New Black”, has now come up with a trick that can be used to avoid wrong purchases: the so-called 3-7-14 rule . And it’s not only very easy, but it’s also guaranteed to work!

Rule 3-7-14: Wait 3 days

You have an item of clothing before three Did you buy it a few days ago and didn’t wear it right away? Unfortunately, the likelihood of the part joining your other dead bodies in the closet is already pretty high. Shopping achievements that we like very much are usually worn with great joy on the same day or we look forward to realizing them as soon as possible. Otherwise: it is better to leave the price tag for the exchange!

Also interesting: You should never clean these items of clothing

Set a deadline after 7 days

If after seven days you still haven’t worn the garment, you will never remove the tag. The seventh day is proof of that: it’s a bad buy.

Rule 3-7-14: exchange after 14 days

Make sure you exchange your purchase within 14 days. Most shops have a 30 day exchange period, but some only have 14. This means that you should definitely return the part NOW at the latest so it doesn’t end up like a corpse in the closet. Why wait so long?

To avoid making the wrong purchases beforehand, it usually helps to set your favorite items aside for a short time. The reason: effects purchases can quickly go wrong. However, if you expose yourself to other temptations and impressions and then keep thinking about the object of your desire, you can be almost certain that it’s not a bad buy. If you do, all you have to do from now on is follow the 3-7-14 rule.

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