The young princess Leonor of Spain (17 years old) enlists in the army

People & Style

Leonor of Spain is first in line to the throne, but before taking over, the 17-year-old will complete a military apprenticeship, just like her father, King Felipe VI. STYLEBOOK sums up all the details.

Life has just begun for Leonor of Spain. Having progressed to Welsh’s elite boarding school Atlantic College two years ago, she has now passed her baccalaureate with flying colours. But instead of traveling like her peers or taking a well-deserved break, she is the daughter of King Felipe VI. and his wife Letizia big plans for the future.

Leonor of Spain joins the army

Leonor had a few weeks to enjoy the summer and relax. That’s a good thing, because Leonor’s three-year military training is starting and it’s tough. She will follow in the footsteps of her father, King Felipe VI, and be trained in three branches of the armed forces. Everything has been preparing for this for months, Defense Minister Margarita Robles reported at a press conference in March. Leonor will be attending the General Military Academy of Zaragoza from August. In 2024 and 2025 she will join the Navy and in 2026 she will join the Air Force. The aim of the training should be that Leonor can assume supreme command of the armed forces in the future.

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Queen Letizia has difficulty letting go of her eldest daughterPhoto: Getty Images

Heartfelt farewell to the family

Yesterday (August 17) the Princess was received at the Military Academy of Zaragoza, accompanied by her parents and her 16-year-old sister Sofia. In the photos of her we see the 17-year-old with her family while she drags a trolley behind her. Felipe VI wears his military uniform while Letizia wears a casual beige two-piece suit. Leonor wears airy white trousers in combination with a classic light blue blouse, while Sofia wears white jeans with a ruffled green blouse. When she said goodbye, she was warmly embraced by her sister Sofia and her mother Letizia. And her father also took care of her daughter with pride.

Leonor will learn it from Spain

According to a press release, Leonor will also receive social training in her military training. She is taught “virtues such as loyalty, discipline, courage or camaraderie and principles such as responsibility, exemplary manner or severity” along with technical skills. Aware of the importance of her training, Leonor continued: “Princess Leonor understands the demands and sacrifices that military life entails and recognizes the honor of training and serving alongside the men and women of our armed forces”, quotes the page “Adelswelt” the press publication.

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Military training is not uncommon for royalty

King Felipe proudly looks at his daughter as they say goodbyePhoto: Getty Images

Former King Felipe VI. of Spain underwent military training. The fact that Leonor, as future queen, also enters the military is not so unusual, because the supreme command of the military is traditionally assumed by the king or queen of the country. Victoria of Sweden also enjoyed military training and continues to educate herself in this field. And Victoria doesn’t do it just out of sheer curiosity, as the expert aristocrat Herman Lindqvist explains to the Svensk Damtidning newspaper: “The idea is that in case of war you will be part of the leadership”.


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