Tips to repair skin and hair after the summer holidays

People & Style

Spend a weekend by the sea here, spend a free afternoon at the lake or in the outdoor swimming pool – what is good for the soul and spirit is a burden on skin and hair. And even sunscreen and airy clothing can’t always protect you adequately. Once the damage has occurred, the question arises of how to deal with it.

As beautiful as summer vacations are, summer is a burden on skin and hair. Why: Heat, UV rays, salt and chlorinated water remove a lot of moisture from our body, which then shows up in the small creases or damaged ends of the hair. STYLEBOOK shows you how to easily fix small summer damages in just a few steps.

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Repair skin in six steps

clean skin

Make sure you switch to gentler products once you’ve returned from a hot summer holiday and the weather is getting cooler – your skin will thank you. Too strong cleansing gels stimulate the production of sebum even more, making the skin greasy and more sensitive to impurities.

exfoliate the skin

As the summer tan slowly fades, the skin begins to flake. To remove the dry layer of skin and protect the skin after the summer holidays, a gentle peeling is recommended, which lets the complexion shine young and fresh.

repair the skin

Brightening serums slowly make small spots of pigment or unwanted breakouts on the skin disappear. Applied daily in the evening for at least two weeks, it should mitigate the most evident damage. If after a few weeks the affected areas are still clearly visible, fruit acid peels or laser treatments by a dermatologist can help.

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nourish the skin

The skin needs an extra portion of hydration after the summer holidays. If you have enough, the normal renewal process works much better. Products with aloe vera, vitamins A and E are ideal – especially the last two are consumed disproportionately in strong sunlight. Masks or treatments in ampoules now guarantee extra freshness, as the skin loses its elasticity, especially in summer.

Preserve the tan on your skin after the summer holidays

If you don’t want to give up your tan after the summer holidays, you should take care of your skin. Although it is inevitable that the tan will disappear sooner or later, there are some tricks that can be used to delay the process a bit. Proper moisturizing care is not only useful for repairing the skin after the summer holidays, but also for “locking in” the tan on the skin’s surface for a little longer.

Protect your skin even after the summer holidays

Just because summer is winding down doesn’t mean you no longer need sunscreen. Continue to use a sunscreen with UVA and UVB protection with at least SPF 15 (if you’re not outdoors much) and 30 (if you’re still outdoors a lot in late summer).

Repair your hair in six steps

wash the hair

The following certainly applies here: less is more. Hair is already very dry after the summer holidays and the scalp’s natural repair mechanisms work best if you don’t wash your hair every day. Rely on shampoos with nourishing additives such as aloe vera or jojoba oil.

nourish the hair

Hair requires intensive care after the summer holidays. Now you can apply a hair mask at least once a week and leave it on for at least 15 minutes. The effect is greatest in hot weather: for example, wrap cling film and then a towel around your head.

Cutting hair after summer holidays

Unfortunately there is only one thing that can help with severely broken ends: hairdressing scissors. A new haircut always makes your hair voluminous and healthier. Furthermore, the hair does not break continuously and the split ends are unable to trace back along the hair shaft.

Renew the hair color

Hair that looks dull and dull after the summer holidays can also tolerate a new color in addition to sufficient care. The natural colors wrap the hair like a protective shield and make it look stronger. Henna is ideal for this. And don’t be afraid of too intense red: there is colorless henna that acts as a shine booster.

Give your hair a break after the summer holidays

Especially after harmful sun rays, chlorine or salt water, the hair is happy with a little break from styling. So, if you want to do something good for your hair, avoid heat styling. Alternatively, there are plenty of cute hairstyles that you can experiment with without further stressing your hair.

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Further protect your hair after the summer holidays

UV protection is also recommended for hair all year round, but especially in late summer. Apply preferably before drying: only then will all repair measures be effective for a long time.

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