Silicon Valley Poll: What Makes Apple Right and Meta-Engineers Wealthy


If you want to make a lot of money fast as an engineer in SIlicon Valley, you shouldn’t go to Apple. This is the result of a new study from the career portal Blind. He compared the different salary levels of large IT companies such as Google, Meta, Microsoft, Amazon and Apple and came to the conclusion that the iPhone maker lags behind the competition in terms of salary. Metaengineers, on the other hand, have the fastest advancement opportunities and pay well. Google, on the other hand, is considered a particularly balanced employer, both in economic terms and in terms of career opportunities.


“Apple’s total compensation may be less competitive than other companies, but positions and pay levels are consistent and fair,” Blind writes. Google is very careful that there are no unjustified salary differences: “This means that it is rarely the case that someone at a lower level earns more than someone at a higher level.”

The situation is complicated again with the Redmond software giant. “Microsoft offers many job levels for Software Engineers, which can give the company more flexibility in allocating promotions. However, the total pay up to Staff Software Engineer is consistently lower than their peers.” On Amazon, promotions can take longer, explains Blind. The e-commerce giant also offers wide salary ranges for engineers, so the total compensation can vary wildly.

Financially, Apple starts with a starting salary of around $142,000. A maximum of $500,000 can be awarded as a “Principal”. Meta already pays nearly $180,000 to get started, the maximum is said to be $780,000.

With these salaries it’s important to remember that life in Silicon Valley is very expensive. Some engineers can no longer afford a house, let alone normal earnings. Apple, Google and Meta are now investing in real estate or building “company cities” wholly owned by multinational corporations. Of course this doesn’t help the many non-engineers who now have to travel hours to get there as they can no longer live directly in the valley.



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