That’s why I buy my clothes in the men’s department


It’s a classic Saturday afternoon in a shopping mall. People crowd into clothing stores, the queues in front of the checkouts seem endless and it is almost impossible to reach the clothes rails with the desired pieces.

But I don’t have to worry about this problem, because when I enter a store, my path takes me straight in the men’s department. There I go shopping with peace of mind: why is the majority of my wardrobe now made up of “men’s clothes” and why do I find this division meaningless anyway? This way!

That’s why when you shop you’ll only find me in the men’s department

The cut of men’s clothing is cooler

First things first: I love oversized sizes. Above all. My blazers and jeans can’t be big enough. This loose, casual cut is much easier to find in the men’s department than in the women’s department: instead of looking for specially marked oversized pieces, I simply grab a men’s shirt in size M – and voilĂ !

Fashion knows no gender boundaries

In any case, I find the division into “men’s clothing” and “women’s clothing” more than superfluous. We live in the year 2024, each of us should wear what he feels like wearing. This could be an oversized shirt, baggy jeans or the hoodie from the men’s section. Likewise, we as a society need to finally get used to men in skirts or high heels. Fashion should be fun!

And even better: the items in the men’s department are often even cheaper than those in the women’s department. Absolute win-win situation!

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