10 facts about the juror of “The Voice of Germany” that you didn’t know


“La Voce della Germania”: Giovanni Zarrella is the new member of the jury

It’s that time again: On September 21, 2023, a new season of the popular casting show “The Voice of Germany” begins. The show is broadcast alternately on Pro7 and Sat.1 – and Zarrella, who once participated in a casting show, is part of the jury this year. His colleagues on the jury: rap singer Shirin DavidTokio Hotel brothers Bill and Tom Kaulitz and former Boyzone member Ronan Keating.

Giovanni Zarrella: His success with the Giovanni Zarrella Show

How nice, did you know that Bro’Sis wasn’t Giovanni Zarrella’s first band? The vivacious Italian has apparently always enjoyed being in the spotlight. It is therefore no surprise that he has become the new face of ZDF’s Saturday evening with the “Giovanni Zarrella Show”. There were already celebrities like this just in the first one Andrea Berg, Maite Kelly, Santiano, Pietro Lombardi and Sasha as a guest: not a bad rating for the new moderator! Giovanni Zarrella can also be satisfied with the ratings: he attracted an average of 3.81 million spectators to the screens.

Bambi 2023: Giovanni Zarrella wins in the “Entertainment” category.

Things could hardly go better on a professional level for Giovanni Zarrella. At “Bambi” – one of the most important award ceremonies in Germany – he won the award in the “Entertainment” category. “Like no one else, he manages to entertain people without lecturing, to be accessible without ingratiating himself”, was the jury’s verdict. The musician and entertainer was visibly moved as he accepted the award from his colleague Nazan Eckes. In his acceptance speech he thanked not only the organizers of the event, but also his wife Jana Ina, whom he loves “Queen” called.

Sources used: glomex.de

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