Kendall Jenner’s $23 top from Mango is the perfect base

Slowly we no longer have doubts: even if Kendall Jenner can afford the most expensive designer pieces with her high salary, she is a true fan girl High fashion brand Mango. Whether it’s cool party dresses or timeless basics, the model always chooses the Spanish fashion brand. Most recently, we discovered a minimalist and no […]

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These are the top 3 beauty trends for fall 2024, according to New York Fashion Week

New York Fashion Week kicked off the season with some extremely beautiful designs. Most fashion enthusiasts obviously look at opulent dresses and creations, but we’re also interested in which beauty looks will stand out in AW24 this autumn/winter. Sure, not every beauty look on the runway is designed, crafted, and styled to be truly everyday, […]

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Jennifer Lawrence replaces the basic t-shirt with this top, which will also be trendy in autumn 2023

Jennifer Lawrence swaps the basic tee for this top: Dressing smart and stylish in the 30 degree heat and sweltering heat of summer can often be a huge challenge. Office looks, in particular, require a little more forward planning. The all-rounder in the office and on special occasions, our beloved blazer is unfortunately often too […]

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Top 5 products for an even complexion and UV protection | Vogue Germany

Tip: With the “Zitclean” cleanser from Acnemy, sun protection can be removed particularly well from the facial skin in the evening. Zitclean Cleanser by Acnemy Which tinted sunscreen is best? Top 5 to buy Everyone’s skin is different and so are the appropriate sunscreens. For this reason, we have tracked down five different products for […]

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Movies for Spring: From Disney to Jane Austen: These are the top 10 spring classics

Spring Movies: These are the top 10 spring classics Pastel wildflowers, full skirts, bergère hats and Mr. Darcy’s voice at dawn: “I should tell you that you have completely enchanted me and that I love you, I love you, I love you” – what could trigger more spring fever than a good 19th century romance? […]

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